Friday, December 5, 2008

Are you sick with a cold or Flu?

I was reading in this "recipe/health" book last week about some home remedies for certain things and this one stood out! It made me I thought I would share it. Who knows it may help you this winter if you get sick or just give you a chuckle too!

*stop eating immediately
*start a fast or cleanse
*Drink a lot of pure water and lemon-honey tea
* Daily Echinacea
*Do a daily enema ( okay who is going to give me one?)
*Daily vitamin C
* Have thoughts with peace and harmony( reality..6 kids?)
*Avoid negative and grouchy people (how do I avoid myself?)
*Eliminate drugs. Your body knows what to do ( but how do I fall asleep with my nose plugged?)
*Remove stress. Include joy, happiness, peace which BOOSTS the immune system and then your body cures itself. ( basicaly go on a vacation..without kids?)


ness said...

Hi Cami!

That list is so funny! Totally unrealistic-it made me laugh though:)

Jenessa (Amys sister)

WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

I just hate the flu. I hope we don't get it this year! I haven't had it for a couple years now. I always get a cold, sniffles, but thankfully no flu.

Very funny post. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Hope to get my cards out soon. Love, Angie

Anonymous said...

How funny! A vacation without the kids sounds great...wonder if I could get a doctor to send a note to my husband recommending that :-) Unfortunately, when Mom gets the flu...usually everyone else is sick too. Misery loves company!!

Love, Rebecca