Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My dad...Ward Clemmons

This was taken in Long Beach, California.

Last week was the 18th anniversary of my fathers death. I can't believe it has been that long.
I was pregnant with Kellory when he died from colon cancer. He was 51 years old. He got very sick December of 1991 and was taken to the hospital for internal pain. He was then diagnosed wtih colon cancer, that was so advanced, they gave him 6 months to live. He lived for 4 months after the diagnoses. He was a different man for the those 4 months, I remember him being very at peace with it all. He was so ready to go to heaven. He was a quiet sort of man, and I was so very young when it all happened. The only thing I regret is talking more with him during those last days. I look forward to seeing him again!
My dad was called into the ministry when I was just a baby. He was a pastor for 20 years to many small churches around the United States. I will post more on that later. I had a very interesting childhood!
My dad loved to sing and play his guitar(picture). I have good memories watching old movies or shows with him late at night and snacking on candy (his favorite thing to eat). I particularly remember watching the "Twilight Zone" with him and being scared silly! My dad taught me how to drive stick shift in my first car, a Volkswagon Bug. That was quite the adventure.
I miss my dad very much! I am so thankful for his example of faithfulness to the Lord. Looking back, he didn't have an easy life, but a sacrifical life given for the Lord.


Amy said...

How nice to see those pictures! You look so cute in that first family picture!

Thankfully we have hope of seeing our loved ones again!

denise said...

Thanks for sharing about your dad. The pictures are so sweet.

Rebecca said...

That was very precious. Thank you for sharing.